There are approximately 45,000 people in total living in Santiago River basins, Morona and Pastaza. Occupy the East of the Province of Zamora and Morona Santiago and south of the province of Pastaza.
"The Shuar nationality was originally settled in the area now corresponds to the province of Morona Santiago, then spread to the rest of the Amazon territory. They are currently also in the provinces of Napo, Pastaza and Zamora Chinchipe, reaching a population of 110,000 inhabitants. " (PRODEPINE 1,999)
In Pastaza, Jivaro Indians are now grouped according to the Nationality Shuar Federation of Pastaza, Fenashp in 28 communities belonging to three associations: Pupunás, Pastaza and Charip, with a total population of 5,500 inhabitants (2001) in an area of approximately 300 000 hectares to the border with Peru.

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